
Production Day One:

My production plan was slightly ruined as one of the cast members wasn't available to film that day so I had to shot all of the shots that included the other character. However I was happy with how my footage turned out I was quick setting up my equipment. The only problem I faced was my lighting because I didn't have professional lights I just used my kitchen lights however they cast a shadow underneath my subject, so I had to improvise and use a bat light from my shed this did slightly effect one shot however all the rest were well lit. I was also concerned about the traffic pollution being picked up on my mic but fortunately listening back it can't be heard. My filming went very well and most takes I only had to do once as they look good and I was pleased with them. However I did have a set back because I was unable to locate the playback button on the camera as it was in a different place to the cameras I've used before.

Production Day Two:

On this day both of my cast members were available to film which made it much easier I was able to follow shot list more efficiently and it really benefited me to have a plan making the whole day run smoothly and it also ensured that I got all the shots I needed. I used the same set up for lighting as I did for day one however the bat light I was using unfortunately ran out of battery half way through and I didn't have enough time to charge it again for the rest of the shoot. I was afraid it would effect some of my footage however I continued filming without the light looking back at my footage there is a slight difference in lighting however it isn't noticeable enough to require re-shooting. My cast were focused, listened to my direction, taking my advice well and improving with each take. Another problem I faced was that when I first tried recording audio I couldn't hear anything when I played it back, this set me back as I couldn't work out why this was happening, in the end I put the cable in a different input and it worked. However I was able to finish my filming on the this day meaning whereas I had planned another day to film as well.


After getting all the footage I needed I began editing I found it hard to cut it when one of my characters was interrupting another the sequence looked too messy and the audio sounded choppy after I cut it. In order to make the communication seem more natural I spend a while cutting each clip at different intervals and constantly kept tweaking it slightly, until it sounded natural. While I was editing I noticed I had messed up with some continuity in one shot that I filmed on my first day production one of characters hair was tied however when I filmed the rest of the sequence on my second day her hair was down. Fortunately it was only one shot so I tried the edit without the shot and it worked well by mixing up the sequence a little and made the scene quicker which added to the montage effect I was attempting.

Whilst editing I found my sound to be the most challenging as I had music and dialogue meaning that I had to alter my music a lot to ensure it was quieter when my characters spoke. While doing this I also found that my audio was slightly quieter than I wanted it however I did want the audio to just be audible as the movement of my characters was more important than the dialogue. I also think the music is powerful enough to also suggest my message of togetherness I was really happy with my song choice after I edited as I think it suits the story arch well. However I did find it challenging to merge the two song together as I had instrumental for the beginning of the advert and ended with the the song with the words. In the end I found it easiest to choice the part of the song with the lyric I wanted then ended the instrumental version at the same point as that version starts. Then to make the music sound more natural I matched the volume of both songs I think it sounds very natural and I'm glad I added both versions of the song after finishing my edit i was really happy with the effect it gave.

I choose the song Somewhere Only we Know to use in my project I began the advert with just the instrumental as I thought the music is very relaxed and yet has a sad tone. Towards the end of the advert when the two characters finally come together I added in the lyrics which at that point in the song are "so why don't we go somewhere only we know". I thought they complimented the scene and went well with the story in my advert as in that moment the Mother and Daughter are bonding again after the tense atmosphere in the rest of the advert. It could be interpreted as a metaphor as in the relationship and bond is a feeling only they know. Also once the song was added I felt as though the speed as the song matched the pace of the advert making the visuals and audio work better than I thought they would.

For my final cut I had 12 seconds more video that was required so I trimmed it down so that it was 35 seconds long. The first video is the longer I believe it is better the story arch is clearer and the music works well with the visuals however I have also added the shorter video to use as reference.

Video Advert Final Cut:

Constructing my print adverts:

I took this print screen from my first session of constructing my print advert I added my guides so that I can ensure my print advert looks well positioned and reads well. I used the eye drop tool to match the background to the blue on the packet of flour and then match the slogan to the red seen on the packet. I spent the majority of the session focusing on my type finding the right font and making it appear bold yet readable.

This screen grab is from my second print advert which is a website advert again I've chosen a simple design because the bright colours should catch the attention of the viewer. I've also used a photo which is similar to a shot in my video advert so that it's recognisable to some viewers. I've used the same font and type for my slogan so that the more it appears recognisable.

My last poster needed more editing which I had help for because the photo was dark and the people cast shadows. I brightened up the photo and then had to darken the cupboards because they were white they went unusually bright. Again I kept all my type the same so that it's recognisable as a campaign.

Final print adverts:

My final version is clear to read and fairly plane as it's going to appear on buses so it has to be easy read and can allow a viewer to fully absorb the product. I made my slogan bold so that the readers focus is drawn to it as it's an important part of making the product easier to remember. The colours are bright so they attract viewers instantly I've made the colours match so that the design looks better put together. I used the fade effect in my background to act like a sun effect which also highlights the price which is important in my selling strategy as it's cheap for a branded flour.    

My second advert is a website banner although I did not scale it down enough so it could work on a website however I felt as though it would be hard to see on blogger. I've made this advert bright and used the the same type I'm hoping the brightness will attract viewers of the website and catch their eyes. By using the same type in all my adverts it's easily recognisable as a campaign also the slogan links to the theme of my video advert. Although I planned to use the price in this advert it felt misplaced and I couldn't find a position on the poster where it would be readable. My only worry with this advert is that the brand isn't easily recognisable.  

My final print advert is a poster it's bright and has warm colours giving the advert a winter feel which is seasonally accurate. The product is clear and the people in the poster are in my video advert so they should be recognisable drawing passer by's attention to the poster. The poster also gives a homely feel as it's clearly in a kitchen which is also a theme in my video advert and is a way I identified which entices my target audience. The angle the people in my poster are facing shows their happy expression and their body language shows their closeness. 

The writing on the adverts are visible on Photoshop however appear blurry on here because I had to scale the photos down.
