
Idea NO.1

My first idea starts with a little girl aged 5 and her Mum baking the little girl is on a stool mixing the bowl then it cuts to the girl being older aged 12 with the same scene. The scene cuts again to the girl now being a teenager aged 17 instead however of being in the kitchen she walks by as her Mum is mixing the bowl by herself and asks if the daughter would like to help she rolls her eyes and replies Im going out. The scene then cuts to the Mum looking older as shes baking alone again however the daughter now as an adult walks by again and again the Mum asks if she would like to help this time the daughter smiles and replies We'd love to just a little girl comes into frame. The sequence ends as the audience see a similar image as from the first scene only instead their is now all three generations cooking. As this image continues the product appears on the screen as accompanied by the slogan baking brings us together so why not start now with the right flour.

Idea NO.2

My second idea appears more like a montage with quick cuts and fast scenes it is also fairly similar to the first advert. The advert involves a Mum who is baking and her teenage daughter walks by and the Mum asks if she would like to help and the daughter says no and rolls her eyes. This happens 3 times each time appearing like a different occasion with costume changes and other alternative props. However after the 3rd cut positioning changes as the daughter is in the same place as the Mother has been in previous scene, baking appearing slightly distressed and appearing to be messing up. This time the Mother walks by and the daughter ask's if her Mother can help the Mother smiles and says of course walking to her daughter she laughs as she looks at what she has done. The camera zooms out as they both laugh and the Mother pulls the daughter in for a hug. Then a image of the product will go over the top of the video with the slogan 'baking brings us together so why not start now with the right flour' said through voice over.

Idea NO.3 
My third idea is to have fast paced cut scenes in which a Mum is cooking breakfast, then cooking tea, washing up and appearing completely overwhelmed. It then cuts to the Mum asleep on the sofa with the TV the two children aged 8 and 15 both stand at the door watching her. They then both nod their heads and go to the kitchen they are quietly but happily baking together. The scene then cuts back to the Mum as she wakes up with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk on the table in front of her the character smiles and picks one up. As the slogan is read through voice over "Everyone deserves a treat" and over the image of the woman eating the cookie the image of the product is visible.

My Choice

I choose my second idea as my advert because my first advert is inconvenient to film because of the amount of people I would have to get to be in it and all I would have to cast a child which would be difficult to find someone who their parents feel comfortable for me to film. Also it would be harder fitting around so many peoples schedule to film. The third advert didn't seem as emotionally powerful as the other two. I don't think advert 3 would convince my target audience to buy my product. I thought idea 2 can be related to, easily by my target audience and is also a good use of pathos by making the audience feel nostalgic either towards cooking with their own Mothers or with their children. This advert will hopefully be remembered by the people who watch it by engaging their emotions so that when the brand is also remembered by them so that when shopping they buy the brand over any other. Furthermore I think this advert will also entice a secondary target audience of 18-25 years old as they will also feel nostalgic towards their childhood cooking with their Mothers and also feel a slight regret towards their teenage years.


Working Title:
Baking Brings us Together


Target Audience:
I believe my target audience would be women with the age range of 45-54 because of the older generation women living traditionally by cooking everyday for their household. Typically I also find that older women enjoy baking as they have more free time and often enjoy relaxing over going out. Whereas the younger generation of 16-24 year old's are more likely to buy food product than to make them from scratch because of the easy access which is now available for ordering food products which makes it more convenient. Also because my brand of flour, The Pantry, is a relatively a cheap branded flour as it only price matches Tesco and ASDA owns flour. This means I would also probably aim my advertising towards a lower income class because typically they would pick the cheaper option in a shop. In a recent study which was conducted it stated that 70% of women cook for their household only it appears as an outdated belief it is backed up by data. I believe my group is the mainstreamer because my product is very versatile and the masses will need it.

The advert involves a Mum who is baking and her teenage daughter walks by and the Mum asks if she would like to help and the daughter says no and rolls her eyes. This happens 3 times each time appearing like a different occasion with costume changes and other alternative props. However after the 3rd cut positioning changes as the daughter is in the same place as the Mother has been in previous scene, baking appearing slightly distressed and to be messing up. This time the Mother walks by and the daughter ask's if her Mother can help the Mother smiles and says of course walking to her daughter she laughs as she looks at what she has done. The camera zooms out as they both laugh and the Mother pulls the daughter in for a hug. Then a image of the product will go over the top of the video with the slogan 'baking brings us together so why not start now with the right flour' said through voice over.

Character Breakdown:
Woman is aged 47 she is a white female who wants to spend as much time with her daughter as she can. Although her daughter is distant she doesn't give up hope that she will want to spend time with her again. She is always there when she is needed and is happy to help her family out. 

Girl is a 16 year old white, female, student she's going through a distant phase in her life and only wants to be out with her friends she thinks spending time with her Mum is boring. However as much as she doesn't like to admit it she still needs her Mum's help and support in her life. 

Visual Elements:
The lighting throughout will be very natural as I just want to give the effect of typical household kitchen in the daytime. My advert will be set in a kitchen as it's the most logical place to film an advert about a cooking ingredient. The specific kitchen I am using has a homely feel and will hopefully give the impression of home comfort to the audience as I want the viewer to remember they're childhood home. My shot types change constantly to keep the audience interested on my sequence I also included a pan going from right to left to allow the audience to fully take in the scene they are watching. My edit will be fast paced with quick cuts to symbolise the constant rejection the Mother feels and the built up tension of the Daughter. the props I'm using are typical baking equipment such as a bowl, a wooden spoon and the flour which is my product. Also the Daughter is going to be holding a phone in the first scene to convey how involved she is in her own life. The Mothers costume will involve bright colour to reflect her happy personality whereas the Daughter will be in darker clothes to show her isolation from her family.

Audio Elements:
Playing over the top of my advert I'm going to have the song Somewhere Only We Know my advert doesn't require any sound effects and also no Foley work. I'm hoping the mic that comes with the camera equipment will pick up the dialogue if not I will use a sound recorder.

I chose my idea because I believe that it will stir an emotional response for my target audience and will also effectively sell my product. I'm using the technique of pathos to sell my product and applying the skills I've previously learnt to film and edit my sequence.

Primary and Secondary Research: 
I researched two adverts which both used the advertising technique pathos effectively which was very helpful for my project as my target audience enjoys heartwarming adverts which I discovered from my survey. Also the mayonnaise advert helped me to learn that product which can't be consumed on their own do well if you pair them with another food or activity whereas the mayonnaise was presented with chips I'm pairing my product of flour with the activity of baking.

Requirements and Resources:
Cast; Rachel Farrow, Nicole Drew
Crew; Reese Drew
Equipment; Camera, Legs, Mic and possibly a sound recorder
Location; I will be using the kitchen in my own house to film however if it proves to small after filming I will consider a different location. Because it is my own house there will be no access difficulties.

Constraints and Contingencies:
My idea is feasible as it only requires buying a bag of flour I also have no current problems with my location. However a problem I think I will face is working round my casts schedules making filming harder to get done.

Legal and Ethical Considerations:
The only legal difficulties I might have is copyright of my product and the music I will use in my advert however I won't be publishing my advert anywhere other than on the website Blogger so there shouldn't be a problem.


  1. You treatment is detailed and outlines the visual and audio elements well. Your idea is very beautiful and if done well can be a powerful advert. Ensure that you have effectively planned you shoot and consider doing a test shoot. I look forward to seeing the results.


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