

I started my research by analysing two moving image adverts incorporating what I had previously learnt. By analysing how each advert looked and sounded I was able to understand why each choice was made based on the effect it gave me. This helped me to make decisions to do with my own advert because I understood what each advert did specifically to entice the viewer. To improve I think I could focus more on how the adverts helped me to make decisions with my advert.

In my research I also analysed print based advertisement I found this quite hard to do as there was limited photos on google of adverts that linked with my idea. After picking two I still found it hard to write about each because I felt as though I was running out of things I could write about and felt that I was repeating myself. This did help me to understand how print adverts are presented to be readable and interesting to viewers. However I needed help with these adverts as I felt slightly less confident with how my print adverts looked. I think to help with this I need to spend more time on the Photoshop program to get used to it.

To finish my research I conducted a survey to help understand who my target audience are so I was able to direct my advert to my target audience. This also helped me to create an audience persona narrowing down who I needed to aim my adverts towards. I think to make my research better I could explore my target audience more by doing things such as interviews or focus groups to help back up who my target audience are and what interests them. My research helped me to understand what my target audience wants to see in an advert such as using the technique pathos to sell my product. After doing my research I applied this to help develop and justify my idea and overall campaign.


I began by outlining all my ideas which i thought were brief but also gave a clear overview of what each advert would include. Then I decided on which advert I would make I justified why I choose my advert based on practical and creative reasons. In the final part of my ideas page I wrote a treatment for my advert this helped me to analyse the choices i made as well as explaining it to other people. I could more information in my treatment to ensure I fully understand what exactly I'm doing it and how I'm going to do it.


Within my planning I made a story board and shot list to help organise my idea and my schedule for filming. I found these both very helpful even though I couldn't follow my shot list as one of my cast members couldn't be there for the first day of filming. However the shot list also helped me to ensure I had all the shots I needed and helped make filming go faster. I will continue to do these in my work as I found them really helpful but I will also try to organise the people I'm working with sooner so I can consider the days I'm filming and who can be there before making a schedule.

To plan for my print advert I made grids for each of them which helped me consider where I was putting all my information and photos. However I found photos slightly different to my designs worked better and I also moved writing slightly so that it was more readable. This was something I had expected as I knew my designs wouldn't look exactly like my final products. I think I shouldn't consider my designs more and spend time perfecting them so that when it comes to production I am able to follow them more easily.


My filming went very well I was easily able to access the equipment I needed for when I had planned to film. The people that helped me by being the cast acted well making the advert seem more genuine and also took advice from me when it was given. They also were patient when I had to move equipment and helped when they could. I followed my risk assessment and there were no accidents or illnesses as a result of filming. This resulted in good usable footage which meant I didn't have to do any re-shoots and made the project a lot easier. However once I started to edit I realised that my footage was slightly fuzzy I'm not sure if this was because of my lighting or whether it was slightly out of focus. Fortunately my footage was still usable and the more I use the camera the better I will become at recognising a problem and knowing how to fix it. 

The only problem I faced in editing was reducing my sequence down to thirty seconds my first cut was fifty seconds long. To fix this I reduced shots that lingered and removed two shots that weren't needed however this only made my advert forty two seconds long I felt as though to remove anymore footage it would ruin my message and make the story arch confusing. Then I trimmed it down so that it was 35 seconds long however the video didn't turn out as well and as I predicted made my story arch confusing and lost the effect. This experience helped me realise I need to work on my time management better because I couldn't get my advert down to 30 seconds without ruining the effect this is something I need to consider in the future.

I found my three print adverts harder to do after following my designs I had to move type and photos because they were either hard to read/see or just appeared oddly placed. Overall I felt as though I need my prints weren't as good as my video. They also felt very simple and similar although with help I did improve them over time I feel as though I need to work on my print skills so that I can progress. In the future I need to spend more time learning Photoshop and thinking about how prints are presented.

Overall I'm very happy with how my campaign turned out I feel as though all my adverts linked and were effective in enticing my target audience and a secondary audience into buying my product. Although some of my work could be improved I felt as though by using the equipment and resources to do this project it helped me to improve. Especially I feel as though my camera work has improved since the last time I used the equipment on my own as I was able to set it up faster and the footage was of better quality. Everything went well and any mistakes made were easily corrected. I found making the video advert easier as I've had more experience with the editing software than the Photoshop. I felt as though my writing also went well and I was constantly going back to trying to improve. 
